TUD Poker Frame­work

Ver­sion 1.91

This page con­tains the re­sources for the TUD poker frame­work in ver­sion 1.​91.​ This frame­work can be used in order to test com­put­er poker bots in a wide range of pos­si­ble poker vari­ants, such as limit, no limit, two and mul­ti­ple players.​ It is com­pat­i­ble to the Pok­erserv­er frame­work by the Com­put­er Poker Re­search Group of Al­ber­ta, which is also the of­fi­cial frame­work for the an­nu­al Com­put­er Poker Com­pe­ti­tions. More­over, it pro­vides a handy frame­work and handy class­es and meth­ods in order to im­ple­ment your own bot.​ It also has a graph­i­cal user in­ter­face so that games be­tween hu­mans and bots are pos­si­ble (see below for fur­ther fea­tures).

Un­for­tu­nate­ly, the most ex­ten­sive help doc­u­ments are in German.​ Neverthe­less, En­glish doc­u­men­ta­tion exist.

Short In­struc­tions

All files need­ed files are gen­er­at­ed by the first call: java -jar TUDpoker.​jar at the command-line.​ The TUDpoker.​jar gen­er­ates help and batch files into the same di­rec­to­ry where TUDpoker.​jar is lo­cat­ed.

Help and man­u­als

  • man­u­al_ger.pdf is an ex­ten­sive ger­man man­u­al.
  • readme-client.​txt is the en­glish help­file for clients such as poker­bots, spec­ta­tors and GUI-client.
  • readme.​txt is the en­glish help­file for the serv­er
  • In­tro­duc­tion is hope­ful­ly eas­i­er with given Win­dows batch and Linux .sh files.​ These files are ex­am­ples for cre­at­ing own con­fig­u­ra­tions.
  • The TUDpok­erserv­er in­cludes an en­glish on­line-help in the in­ter­ac­tive mode.

Fea­ture list

  • Texas hold em Poker: fixed-lim­it and no-lim­it
  • Play­ers: Heads Up and up to 10 play­ers (ring game)
  • Fold: Stan­dard fold-rules and ACPC-fold rules
  • GUI for spec­ta­tors and hu­man-play­ers
  • GUI for hu­man-play­ers with ad­vis­es of a cho­sen poker­bot
  • GUI-statis­tics for the cur­rent match
  • Match his­to­ries in ACPC-con­form log-files and in the GUI
  • Serv­er is op­er­a­ble in batch mode and in in­ter­ac­tive mode
  • The game vari­ables are con­fig­urable in the server.​ The serv­er sends the con­fig­u­ra­tion to the clients.
  • The serv­er can pro­vide sev­er­al pok­er­match par­al­lel
  • The pok­er­client-frame­work cor­rects poker rule vi­o­la­tions and logs the fail­ures
  • and many more


  • TUDpoker.​jar con­tain­ing all the code to ex­e­cute
  • We are cur­rent­ly prepar­ing the source code.​ Do not hes­i­tate to ask us by email to ob­tain it be­fore.



This code was writ­ten by many peo­ple, main­ly stu­dents writ­ing their the­sis or doing some in­tern­ships in our department.​ Mainly re­spon­si­ble for cur­rent ver­sion 1.9 is Ju­lian Prom­mer. For­mer con­tri­bu­tions were made by Markus Zopf, Max Bank and to less de­gree To­bias Thiel, Theo Kisch­kaSuit­eng Lu, Pa­tryk Hop­n­er.

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