Data Min­ing Cup 2016: Both sub­mis­sions in the top ten

Both so­lu­tions sub­mit­ted to the in­ter­na­tion­al Data Min­ing Cup by two teams of in total seven students are among the best so­lu­tions.

This year the task was to pre­dict the re­turns for a par­tic­u­lar user and prod­uct in real life data of an on­line shop.​ Both sub­mis­sion man­aged to be in the top 10.

The presentation of the student's solutions will take place on the 9th of June at 17:10 in A213.

The final place­ments will be an­nounced on the 28th of June at the prudsys personalization summit in Berlin and all par­tic­i­pat­ing stu­dents of TU Darm­stadt will be present.​ More news on the win­ners of the 2000€ to fol­low.


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Knowledge Engineering Group

Fachbereich Informatik
TU Darmstadt

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