Data Mining Cup 2011: 2nd, 6th, 8th and 10th positions
The results of the Data Mining Cup 2011 were anounced on the 21st of June at the prudsys user days congress in Leipzig. Three of our solutions were awarded and the whole crew travelled to Leipzip in order to proudly receive the awards.
In the first task of the challenge, a product recommendation problem, two teams managed to be in the top 10. The first places went to the universities of Dortmund, San Diego and Potsdam. Only very little points separated the winners from our awarded teams on the 8th and 10th place.
For the second task, an online version of the first problem, only the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology was able to beat our team on the 2nd position. Only as little as 0.35% of the points separated both solutions! The third place was for Uni Paderborn with a greater distance. The second team for task 2 of TU Darmstadt made the 6th place.
Our teams were composed of the following students attending the DMC Praktikum:
- Task 1, 8th place: This solution was composed by Ana Barroso and is a combination of all teams' solutions by Fabian Mladitsch, Felix Hofmann, Marcel Ackermann, Remigius Freiwald, Sebastian Kasten, Sebastian Fiebig, Steffen Remus, Sören Schmidt
- Task 1, 10th place: Sören, Felix
- Task 2, 2nd place: Marcel, Sebastian K., Steffen
- Task 2, 6th place: Fabian, Remigius, Sebastian F.