How to find us


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Reach­ing us from Frank­furt Air­port

There are four easy op­tions:

  1. Taxi: by taxi, TU Darm­stadt is about 20 min away from Frank­furt Air­port. The fare is ~40 Euros.​ See taxi in­struc­tions in the train sec­tion.
  2. Sched­uled taxi (must be called) via TAM ser­vice: fixed price (~33 Euros) - ad­vance reser­va­tion pos­si­ble by phone or email.
  3. Air­port Shut­tle: the fare for the shut­tle bus is ~7 Euros and it drops you off at Darm­stadt cen­tral sta­tion, at Luisen­platz, or at the con­fer­ence cen­ter Darm­stadtium, which is in walk­ing dis­tance from Herrngarten.​ The shut­tle usu­al­ly leaves every 30 min.​ The de­par­ture point is at Ter­mi­nal 1, Bus Stop #14, op­po­site the Ter­mi­nal 1B ar­rivals area.​ The bus also stops at Ter­mi­nal 2 at the exits of the ar­rival area D+E.​ See the Air­lin­er Sched­ule for de­tails.

       Note: if you use the air­port shut­tle, the bus tick­et is also valid for one tram/bus con­nec­tion in Darmstadt.​ You do not have to buy an­oth­er tick­et to get to the University.​ Also, you can buy the shut­tle tick­et for going back to the air­port right at any tram stop.​ Press the but­ton "Air­lin­er" and off you go.

  4. Train: Frank­furt Air­port has two in­ter­nal train sta­tions in Ter­mi­nal 1: one for long dis­tance trains (lo­cat­ed across the over­head walk­way), and an­oth­er one for local trains (one level below the Ter­mi­nal 1 ar­rivals area). Both have con­nec­tions to Darm­stadt - di­rect­ly and via Frankfurt.​ It is best to con­sult the train in­for­ma­tion coun­ters and screens for the con­nec­tions or have a look on­line.

Reach­ing us from Darm­stadt Cen­tral Sta­tion

  1. Taxi: the fastest way is to take a cab (3-5 min, ~7-10 Euros). Usu­al­ly, there are many taxis wait­ing out­side cen­tral sta­tion (com­ing straight from the tracks they are on the right hand side). Ask for "Hochschul­strasse" and the driv­er should drop you rough­ly at the en­trance of the gar­den, in the mid­dle of the cam­pus area.​ The white build­ing fac­ing the gar­den is the CS department.​ You do not ac­tu­al­ly have to enter the gar­den to reach us, but if it helps you, our build­ing is the only build­ing with an en­trance from the gar­den.
  2. Tram/Bus: all trams are leav­ing right in front of cen­tral sta­tion (take the stairs from the plat­form and go to the left exit). It takes 5-7 min to reach the city center.​ The main choic­es are:
    • Line 3 to­wards "Licht­en­bergschule" or Line 5 to­wards "Kranich­stein". Get off at "Willy-Brandt-Platz" or "Luisen­platz" (see de­tails below).
    • Bus H to­wards "Kessel­hutweg". Get off at "Luisen­platz". Take the bus right in front of cen­tral sta­tion's main exit.
    • Bus K to­wards "TU-Lichtwiese". Get off  ei­ther at "Willy-Brandt-Platz" or "Luisen­platz". The bus de­parts in front of Mc­Don­ald's.
    • Re­gion­al buses. There are quite some re­gion­al buses doing the track.​ Consult rmv.​de to get fur­ther in­for­ma­tion since sched­ules and buses might change.

Note: Walk­ing from Willy-Brandt-Platz to the de­part­ment is a lit­tle bit short­er and eas­i­er than from Luisen­platz.

  • From Willy-Brandt-Platz: (~150 m, 5-6 min walk) look for the street be­tween the bak­ery and an old red-white build­ing and fol­low it until you reach the en­trance to a big park called "Her­rn­garten". Fol­low the mid­dle track just about 100 m.​ We are lo­cat­ed in­side the gar­den in the sole big white build­ing.
  • From Luisen­platz (City Cen­ter): (~200 m, 5-8 mins walk) the city cen­tre is iden­ti­fi­able by the tall pil­lar in the mid­dle and it is also the tram hub of the city.​ Head to­wards the pink-ish build­ing (the cas­tle). Turn left and you will see the big off-white col­ored "Hes­sis­ches Lan­desmu­se­um" build­ing across the street, where you also start see­ing the new TUD ad­min­is­tra­tion build­ing and the Wel­come Hotel on its right hand side.​ Cross the road, walk be­tween the Mu­se­um and the Hotel until you reach a street with the old main uni­ver­si­ty build­ing on your right.​ Follow the street until you find a cross­ing (with the gar­den en­trance on the left). You will see a big white build­ing fac­ing the gar­den (ac­tu­al­ly it is the only build­ing with an en­trance from the gar­den, so it should be easy to find). This is the Com­put­er Sci­ence De­part­ment build­ing.
  • In­side Robert Pi­lo­ty Build­ing/Com­put­er Sci­ence De­part­ment: the build­ing has the shape of an E, and in­side, we are lo­cat­ed with­in the D wing on the 2nd floor (the upper left line of the E). Take the main en­trances to enter the build­ing (at each end of the E's mid­dle line). Go up one level, the stairs are lo­cat­ed at the main en­trance fac­ing the garden.​ The sec­re­tary's room D203 is at the be­gin­ning of the pas­sage on your left hand.


Buy­ing Tram/Bus Tick­ets

There is an uni­fied sys­tem for buy­ing tick­ets for trams and buses.​ Each stop has a tick­et ma­chine, some­times there is a tick­et ma­chine in­side the tram or bus (but don't count on this). Press the but­ton la­belled "Darm­stadt Mitte", and pay the fare in coins.​ The tick­et is valid for one ride in­side the city center.​ You can also buy daily tick­ets etc.​ by press­ing "Tageskarte" after press­ing your des­ti­na­tion (Darm­stadt Mitte). There is no "stamp­ing" of tick­ets when en­ter­ing a tram or bus.​ Ticket con­trols do hap­pen oc­ca­sion­al­ly, though!

Reach­ing us by Car

Au­to­bahn A5 or A67 get you to Darmstadt.​ Exit the Au­to­bahn at Darmstädter Kreuz and fol­low the signs "Darm­stadt Mitte". Pro­ceed east­bound on Rhe­in­straße.​ To go to CS build­ing S2|02 (Hochschul­straße 10), fol­low Rhe­in­straße and take the un­der­pass (fol­low one right turn). Exit the un­der­pass to the left and keep left as you go through the traf­fic light.​ Go through the next traf­fic light and keep left.​ After 100m turn right into the "Schloßgarage" park­ing.


We would like to thank the DEEDS Group for pro­vid­ing the TUD di­rec­tion in­for­ma­tion.


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Knowledge Engineering Group

Fachbereich Informatik
TU Darmstadt

S2|02 D203
Hochschulstrasse 10

D-64289 Darmstadt

Telefon-Symbol+49 6151 16-21811
Fax-Symbol +49 6151 16-21812

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