Stu­dent Bot beats Crazy­house World Cham­pi­on

Stu­dents of last semester's Deep Learn­ing course de­vel­oped a crazy­house bot as their class pro­ject. Crazy­house is a chess vari­ant, in which cap­tured pieces can be re-in­sert­ed into the game, yield­ing a much more dy­nam­ic game.​ The bot of Jo­hannes Czech, Moritz Willig, and Alena Beyer played an in­for­mal 5-game match against the 2017 Crazy­house World Cham­pi­on GM Justin Tan (aka JannLee) and won 4-1.

As is known from Al­p­haZe­ro-vari­ants, the bot ex­celled in fa­vor­ing in­tu­itive play over exact cal­cu­la­tions, in­clu­c­ing, for ex­am­ple, a missed mate-in-three.

How­ev­er, the most beau­ti­ful move of the en­counter was an im­mor­tal Qd6!! which won the sec­ond game for JannLee.​ A detailed ac­count in­clud­ing all games and live video com­men­tary from Jan­Lee can be found here.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to both, human and com­put­er, for an amaz­ing­ly en­ter­tain­ing match!


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