%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Knowledge Engineering Publications %Friday 17 December 2021 11:59:03 PM @INPROCEEDINGS{jf:ICML-99-lig-Hearts, author = {Pfahringer, Bernhard and Kaindl, Hermann and Kramer, Stefan and F{\"{u}}rnkranz, Johannes}, editor = {F{\"{u}}rnkranz, Johannes and Kubat, M.}, title = {Learning to Make Good Use of Operational Advice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ICML-99 Workshop on Machine Learning in Game Playing}, year = {1999}, address = {Bled, Slovenia}, url = {http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/icml-99-ws-games/papers/pfahringer.ps.gz} }