Knowledge Engineering Group

The Knowledge Engineering group at the Computer Science Department at the Technische Universität Darmstadt has been established in 2004. 

The Knowledge Engineering Group dissolved at the end of 2021 due to the departure of Prof. Fürnkranz to Linz. Thanks to all former members of the group, to all the students that were part of our group, to all participants in our courses and lectures, and to all supporters.

Since Januar 2022, this is just a mirror of the Knowledge Engineering site.

Research Summary

We concentrate on the acquisition of explicit, formalizable knowledge from sources that contain relevant information in implicit or not directly accessible form. Our methodological focus is on the use of techniques from machine learning and data mining for knowledge acquisition by analysis of existing data or text collections, by interaction with human experts, or by experimentation and simulation. The applicability of the employed methodologies ranges from cognitive science problems to industrial applications in the areas of data or web mining.

More Information



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Knowledge Engineering Group

Fachbereich Informatik
TU Darmstadt

S2|02 D203
Hochschulstrasse 10

D-64289 Darmstadt

Telefon-Symbol+49 6151 16-21811
Fax-Symbol +49 6151 16-21812

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